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Steel shot-blasting

Even though this method is used primarily to remove rust and old coatings, steel shot blasting has many more applications. It allows for the rounding of hard edges, surface polishing and preparation of surfaces for further treatment.

At S-T-P we provide shot blasting services using modern machinery — this way we can serve our customers in extremely short time and with a minimum amount of dust emission. At the same time our advanced equipment allows us to accurately remove impurities or layers of varnish. Elements prepared this way may be repainted — emulsions and paints will stick firmly to the surface.

Application of steel shot blasting

We work with various surface types. We perform sandblasting of bridges, polishing of construction elements, cleaning of tanks. The equipment used by S-T-P allows for precise polishing of irregular surfaces — even those that have many edges or ridges. We achieve equally precise effects while working with large areas and with small elements.